
I'm using HTML::Template v2.0, IPC::SharedCache 1.3, IPC::ShareLite 0.08,
Storable 1.0.6.  I've discovered that if I turn on the "global_vars" option in
HTML::Template, then Storable cant serialize the template so that it can be
placed in the cache.

  my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new_file( 'foo.tmpl',
                                       associate   => $cgi,
                                       global_vars => 1 );

Then when this code runs, it crashes with:
[Wed Dec  6 09:38:49 2000] [error] Can't store CODE items at blib/lib/Storable.pm 
(autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/_freeze.al) line 234, at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/IPC/SharedCache.pm line 554

If I simply turn off global_vars, then everything works fine.  Has anyone else
experienced this?  I would like to be able to use global_vars and shared_cache
at the same time :).


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