The problem exists with various combinations. The ones I'm currently
testing are:
Apache 1.3.12+mod_perl 1.17+perl 5.5.3
Apache 1.3.14+mod_perl 1.3.24+Perl 5.6.0


The combination of Apache 1.3.12 + mod_perl 1.27 + perl 5.5.3 is working
beautifully on our existing server, which is running Solaris 2.6.

This same combination, as well as combinations of newer versions of each
package, does not work on the new server, which is running Solaris 2.8

Very often, but not with 100% reliability, a mod_perl program will either
A) generate an "Out of memory!/Callback called exit." error in the
error_log or B) simply hang without generating any messages at all. 
Whichever failure mode happens (or if it works), it sticks with for
several hours at a time. e.g. If it hangs now, I can hit it in a moment
and be assured that it will hang again and not work or generate the

I followed the advice in the mod_perl_traps, regarding
PERL_EMERGENCY_SBRK, and it made absolutely no difference at all.

This is driving myself and my co-workers crazy, cuz it's delaying our
migration to the new server. Ideas?

Gregor Mosheh, B.S.
Programmer, CargoTel

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