I try to use the Apache::StatINC according to the instruction. Add the following line in startup.pl: use Apache::StatINC Add the following line in perl.conf: PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC I put a test library module test.pm in /usr/local/esorn/perl/Apache directory, the library path is pushed into @INC in the startup.pl I wrote a simple registry script to test the library #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw(:standard); use Apache::test ('test'); print header, start_html; test(); Here is problem I have: 1. The module works ok but when I modify the library module, it didn't get reloaded. 2. I got the following error entry in error_log every time I reload the test script null: Apache::StatINC: Can't locate /usr/local/apache/conf/startup.pl Not quite sure what the error means, did I miss something in the setup process? I'm running Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl 1.23. Thank you in advance! James