fyi - this is off topic since it does not have anything to do with
mod_perl in particular.  you should really ask on:

or one of the other newsgroups:

or on this helpful website:

when you ask a question like "are there any modules", think

one of the best things about perl, is this site and the well organized
set of modules that exist on it.

a simple search for 'excel' brought up this likely candidate for your use:

good luck and enjoy perl!

Ian wrote:

> The campus phone system has a 911 database that is in Microsoft Excel
> format, and they want to be able to take that information, and show
> it on a webpage, either via a search form, or in one big table.  The
> problem is, they want to do it dynamically...the web server needs to
> yank it down from a samba share (or ftp), parse it, show it, and
> terminate.
> I'm really **really** new at anything perl I haven't the
> foggiest clue as to where I should start.
> I've finally gotten Apache/Mod Perl/Mod SSL installed, and working
> properly.  Are there any modules for pulling information from an
> excel sheet?  How about modules that keep the overworked admin from
> insanity?


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