Windows 2000
Apache/1.3.19 (Win32) mod_perl/1.26_01-dev

Hi all,

I have a very simple cgi script:

     use constant   TEST => 'test';

     print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
     print "=> TEST = @{[TEST]}\n";

I get stuck with the following warning in my error log:
     Prototype mismatch: sub Apache::ROOT::perl::test::test_2ecgi::TEST vs
() at c:/Perl/lib/ line 91.

It only seems to appear when I use Apache::PerlRun. When the script is
executed with Apache::Registry, no such error appears...

Has anybody a clue to avoid this error? I looked in google and for solutions, but I didn't find any...

I configured my Apache as follows:

snippet of http.conf:

<IfModule mod_alias.c>
     ### snip ###
     Alias /perl "D:/develop/perl"
     Alias /mod_perl "D:/develop/perl"

     ### snip ###

     <Location ~ "^\/perl\/.*\.cgi$">
          SetHandler perl-script
          PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
          Options +ExecCGI

     <Location ~ "^\/mod_perl\/.*\.cgi$">
          SetHandler perl-script
          PerlHandler Apache::Registry
          Options +ExecCGI

The goal is testing my perl cgi-scripts with PerlRun or Registry, dependent
on the alias 'perl' or 'mod_perl'.

Kind regards,

Walter Lievens

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