I want to use the mod_perl apache as backend to my 
public non mod_perl Apache server as Stats says,
we can use the ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse directives 
as below:

ProxyPass        /modperl/ http://localhost:81/modperl/
ProxyPassReverse /modperl/ http://localhost:81/modperl/
But in my case all the mod_perl scripts are not in a 
particular directly , mod_perl scrips may be located 
anywhere below doc root with a particular extension.

I need somthing like:

ProxyPass        *.mcgi http://localhost:81/*.mcgi
ProxyPassReverse *.mcgi http://localhost:81/*.mcgi

Here I want to say that a request like
should be serverd through the 
using the proxy module.

Is any trick to do it? 
Using any combination of mod_rewrite and proxyPass?


-Surat singh Bhati

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