-----Original Message-----
From: Roediger Stephan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 9:38 AM
Subject: <!--#config timefmt=blahblahblah--> with Apache::SSI


Does anyone knows, why standard SSI-Tag: <!--#config timefmt="%blah"-->
doesn't work with Apache::SSI (maybe it's currently not supported)???
Other used SSI-Tags are interpreted perfectly by Apache::SSI.

Thank you,

I came across this as well when one of our templates which uses SSI to
format a time.

I subclass Apache::SSI and overwrote the ssi_echo and echo _DATE_LOCAL
method. As far as I can tell there is an environment variable called
DATE_LOCAL which keeps sub_DATE_LOCAL from ever getting called and this
seems to ignore any settings made through the ssi_config method in
Apache::SSI.  Probably a better way to fix this, but this works for me. --

package MySSI;

sub BEGIN {
        use Date::Format;
        use base qw(Apache::SSI);

sub ssi_echo {
    my($self, $args) = @_;
    my $var = $args->{var};
    my $value;
    no strict('refs');

    if ($var eq 'DATE_LOCAL') {
                return $self->echo_DATE_LOCAL;
    } elsif (exists $ENV{$var}) {
        return $ENV{$var};
    } elsif ( defined ($value = $self->{_r}->subprocess_env($var)) ) {
        return $value;
    } elsif (defined &{"echo_$var"}) {
        return &{"echo_$var"}($self->{_r});
    return '';

sub echo_DATE_LOCAL {
        my $self = shift;
        if(exists $self->{timefmt}) {
                return time2str($self->{timefmt},time) ?
time2str($self->{timefmt},time) : scalar localtime;
        return 1+time;
        return scalar localtime;


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