Hi there

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Eric Cholet wrote:

> > Apache 1.3.9 (with mod_perl 1.21/perl5.005_03) doesn't let me use a
> > <Location> section in a <VirtualHost> section.
> Really? That's quite odd. What is the error message?

Looks like I was wrong about this.  Either my memory was playing
tricks on me, or it's different on my development server.  The former
is at least three orders of magnitude more likely than the latter.

I didn't want to try to restart my live server with a deliberately
broken config, so I duplicated it on my development server and got
this message output to stderr:

Syntax error on line 941 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
<FilesMatch> cannot occur within <Location> section
../src/support/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Here is the (only) difference between the failing config and the one
currently on the live server.  This is in a <VirtualHost> section:

<   <FilesMatch "\.html$">
<     SetHandler      perl-script
<     PerlHandler     Apache::Footer
<   </FilesMatch>
>   <Location />
>     <FilesMatch "\.html$">
>       SetHandler      perl-script
>       PerlHandler     Apache::Footer
>     </FilesMatch>
>   </Location>

What seems to have confused me was that to repair the config I removed
the <Location> directive.  Sorry if this confused anyone else.


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