On 09-May-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm working on my own site with mod_perl and mason.
> I want cookie exchange ONLY with one particular frame.
> I *could* simply just maintain a list of pages that might
> validly be in the paricular frame, but I'd prefer something
> like...
> Is there any method for the Apache::Request object or it's 
> Mason counterpart that will show me what the target frame
> on the user's browser the request is being made for?
> Maybe not.

Cookies, AFAIK, don't allow this.  You could do a couple of things to get
around this... Go by path (store each frame in a different path, and send
"Set-Cookie: name=value; path=/framename", or store the frame name in the value
of the cookie and make a loop that gets all the cookies, splits on a separator,
and disards cookies that you don't want...


Wim Kerkhoff, Software Engineer
NetMaster Networking Solutions

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