Re: Don't run the modules mod_perl

2000-02-09 Thread Stas Bekman
Hi I had Apache 1.3.6. I executed the following steps for installing Apache 1.3.9. % cd /usr/src % lwp-download % lwp-download % tar zvxf apache_1.3.9.tar.gz % tar zvxf

RE: Don't run the modules mod_perl

2000-02-09 Thread Kevin Huang
Title: RE: Don't run the modules mod_perl I bet /usr/local/apache/bin is not on your search path, therefore when you do a httpd -v, it fires up the old copy of httpd on, say, /usr/sbin. Add this in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf: IfModule mod_perl.c Include conf/perl.conf /IfModule