> I have a binary string that I would like to print, but it
> includes the EOF
> character ("\0").
> Embperl seems to cut off the string at the first terminator, whether I do:
>     [+ $string +]
> or  [- print OUT $string -]
> However, if I print the string to a regular file, the whole string prints
> without any problems.
> Am I doing something wrong?  How do I print the whole string and
> nothing but
> the string?  :)

This maybe true, I never tried this, because the \0 is the normal string
terminating charater in C.

The only solution I see, to set the optEarlyHttpHeader option in your
httpd.conf, then you can use the normal Perl print, which should work with
binary data as well.


Gerald Richter    ecos electronic communication services gmbh
Internetconnect * Webserver/-design/-datenbanken * Consulting

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5         D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
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