Listed below are a few links that should get you on your way:
First start with "The Guide" http://perl.apache.org/docs/1.0/guide/index.html. It has been very helpful to me when I have questions.
Second go to http://www.modperlcookbook.org/ (buy their book) It has some sample code and such which should help out immensely
Finally visit http://modperl.com:9000/ (buy this book also) It is a little hard to follow in the beginning, but it is worth while in the long run.
I hope these help and good luck with you mod_perl adventure.
-----Original Message-----
From: testic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 3:22 PM
Subject: apche + mod_perl

Hi Guys,
Having decided to give Linux a go I installed Linux and Apache on a spare machine at work with the intention of using it to run an intranet. I managed to run Apache succesfully to serve up simple HTML files, but I wanted some dynamic content so I installed Mod_perl as well. However I have run into a few difficulties regarding its configuration. The install process of mod_perl didn't throw up any errors and no lines were added to httpd.conf. I added a few lines that I found on a website to run mod_perl when Apache starts. Unfortunatley Apache generates errors with this config so I modified it so Apache starts.
Could anyway tell me the lines I need to add to httpd.conf? Also, seeing as I've never used mod_perl (or Perl for that matter) I don't have any scripts, nor do I know how to add a script to a HTML page, so would it be possible for someone to tell me a very basic script that will merely let me know that it is running?
System specs:
RedHat Linux 7.1 (2.4.2-2) on i386
Apache        installed in '/web/apache'
Perl 5.6.0
Mod_perl 1.99_5
I realize that this is a very menial problem, but I scoured the Perl section of apache.org and couldn't find the information I required.
Thankyou very much for any help you can offer.

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