On Wednesday, October 13, 1999 4:54 PM, Kees Vonk 7249 24549 
> I have managed to get it back to work. Restarting the server 
> and touching the index.html file made no difference, but when 
> I cleared the browser's cache it all started working again. I 
> still don't know what went wrong, but the browser obviously 
> cached the gone-wrong document. I have reapplied the changes 
> and everything still works.

Were you using IE5 to test this by any chance? Happened to me the
other day, IE5 refused to honor reload or shift-reload, didn't show
me the fixed page until I explicitely empties it's cache.

Always test the server with telnet or lwp-request, otherwise you're
testing the browser too.

> Kees


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