-----Original Message-----
> From: Justin
> Sent: 2/21/01 5:19 PM
> Subject: success with Apache::Compress
> Hi, after looking at mod_gzip, Apache::Gzip, Apache::GzipChain
> and so on, I decided to try Apache::Compress, with some doubt that
> it was "worth it"
> There were a few hiccups, but it worked out great.
> * page sizes are MUCH smaller, in many/most cases...
>  home page --> 50k --> 12k
> one 50 post forum thread --> 120k --> 22k
> large html table with finnicky cell colors etc --> 87k --> 8k

well, I was going to wait until after TPC5 to release it, but you sound so
excited :)

I came up with Apache::Clean while preparing some slides:


it's just a simple interface into Paul Lindner's nifty HTML::Clean, but set
up as a PerlHandler that can stand on it's own or be used with the latest

Just in case you want to eek out that last bit of bandwidth - I saw about
another 10% drop when combining Apache::Clean with Apache::Compress

Anyway, I'll probably put it on CPAN tomorrow...


> * load times from the users perspective, even on a DSL line, feel
>   twice as fast. On a modem, for some examples above, it would feel
>   5x faster! my subjective feel under MSIE on just a 300mhz laptop,
>   but connected to a 784kbps DSL line, was that pages appear
>   twice as fast.. 
> * my bandwidth bill drops by 2/3rd (would be much more but html was
>  not 100% of bandwidth, plus I'm conservative about switching it
>  on for more browsers)..
> -Justin

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