I have updated Apache::FileMan.pm to pre-release version 0.07d.  I
substantially reorganized to code.

FileMan provides a file manager for a web sites through a web browser. It
is an extensive rewrite of the Apache::AutoIndex.pm module (written by
Philippe M. Chiasson), which in turn was a remake of the autoindex Apache C
module.  FileMan can provide the same functionality as AutoIndex.pm, so it
can be used to both to navigate and manage a web site.

This update includes HTML frame support, import of arbitrary menu commands,
and the HOLD directory was restructured to allow it to manage any directory
on the web server.

The source is available at:


A demo is also available.

I need help from others to fill in the FileMan.dic file for
Apache::Language with the language phrases.  I included all the English

I would like to release FileMan to CPAN.

Please provide any comments, suggestions, or feedback.

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