My fault, better be more careful when playing with environment vars.
libapreq uses tempnam(3), which uses the environment var TMPDIR when
creating temporary file names. Two of us were working on the server, one had
it set, the other didn't. That's why one person restarting the server
continued to have the problems, while when the other person restarted the
server, it suddenly fixed itself.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Mueller (fastmail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:19 PM
Subject: Odd mod_perl and LimitRequestBody problem

> We just experienced an odd problem and were wondering if anyone has
> encountered this before. We recently set the apache LimitRequestBody
> parameter to 10000000 (10M) and all was working fine until a recent
> We started getting errors in the logs whenever there was a file upload
> in the form, even if no file was selected.
> [Sun Feb  3 21:01:23 2002] [error] [client] [libapreq] could not
> create/open temp file
> No other changes had been made, and these started occuring immediately
> we did a apachectl stop/start cycle. We restarted the server 3 times, each
> time the same problem occured. On the 4th restart, everything started
> working fine again, even though no other changes had been made.
> Has anyone ever had a similar experience to this? It's just a bit
> disturbing...
> Apache: 1.3.22
> mod_perl: 1.26
> libapreq: 0.33
> Rob

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