Hi I recently got PHP, Apache server 1.3.12, and mysql to work together under win95. So then I thought Perl was a good next logical choice for my win95 system. I downloaded the active perl files I needed and installed the program, It installed cleanly in the default directories c:\perl\bin\perl. The installer program made the necessary associations for the .pl extension. But, when i tried to execute a simple 'hello world' script on explorer 5 to test the configurations i got a nasty internal server error. If I double click on the file 'hello.pl' it will bring up a ms-dos window and print hello world. Apache has been a very reliable server with PHP script, and Mysql but why do I get that error. I have edited my httpd.conf with a
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
when I checked apache's error log file it said [Mon Jul 10 11:15:30 2000] [error] [client] (2)No such file or directory: couldn't spawn child process: c:/program files/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/hello.pl
should I need to activate a loadmodule  .dll in addition to status
David Ouellette

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