I recently (yesterday) took the apache-modperl rpm and rebuilt it including
the 10x speedup patch to Apache 1.3.6 submitted by sgi (it's not really a
10x speedup - more like 1.5 times!). If anyone wants the binary of it, I've
put it at http://sergeant.org/perl/apache-modperl-1.3.6_1.21-0.i386.rpm
Note though that unlike the original apache-modperl RPM that only adds in
mod_include_modperl.so - this one replaces all the dso's, so you have to
use --force option to rpm to install it. And you probably then won't be
able to run the old (non-modperl) apache!

I'd be interested in any tests anyone does on it.

To get the speedup patch working you need to do:

uncomment the mod_mmap_static module

and add this to httpd.conf:

<IfModule mod_mmap_static.c>
QSC on
MMapFile /home/httpd/html/index.html
# Repeat for all files you want mmap'd

I found I went from 260 odd hps to 350 odd by adding those lines. The patch
only works on HTTP/1.0 connections - so don't test with the -k option of ab.


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