On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, John Poirier wrote:

> I am looking for a jump start building perl, Apache,  mod_perl (on NT) with
> mod_perl built into Apache.
> My task is to find out how to build the latest versions perl 5.6.0, Apache
> 1.3.14 and mod_perl 1.24_01.
> I have down loaded the sources from www.perl.com, www.apache.org and
> perl.apache.org.
> (Master Source distribution - Release http://perl.apache.org/dist)
> I realize that NT is not yet a supported platform but we need to support it
> (dam customers).
> The binaries available are not the most recent.  We want to be able to stay
> current and run the same version on all platforms we support.

    There are some other binaries, including ActivePerl ppm packages,
listed at http://perl.apache.org/distributions.html.

> All seemed to go well until mod_perl.
> I run the makefile.pl with EVERYTHING=1 APACHE_PREFIX=c:/apache.
> makefiles are generated but, those makefile do not produce apache or
> mod_perl.

The procedure for building on Win32 is different than that for
Unix - see INSTALL.win32 in the mod_perl sources for details.
Starting with the current cvs mod_perl version (1.24_02), there's
support for building everything from the command line on Win32;
see again INSTALL.win32 for details.

> If I build mod_perl by using the ApacheModulePerl.dsp (with some tweeking) I
> do get a DLL that appears to load, at least there are no errors reported,
> But what I want is to build mod_perl into Apache.
> OK hear it comes, HELP
> I am new to Apache, perl web development. My first experience with this
> environment was last November.
> I have been unable to find any information so far searching the web sites,
> books or the mailing lists.
> Can any one point me to the resources I will need to work through this?
> What are the issues in building mod_perl into apache for the NT platform?
> What is the benefit of building mod_perl into Apache as opposed to using a
> DLL?

All the apache modules use dlls for Win32, not just mod_perl ...

> Obviously it is possible to do this if  Jeffrey Baker can produce a binary
> distribution for NT.

A mod_perl binary distribution would contain the relevant
mod_perl modules for perl, plus the dll which you would copy
into an appropriate $APACHE/modules/ directory, where the
other apache modules are kept.

best regards,
randy kobes

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