
on win32
perl 561 with last modperl

when a location is reset to default-handler and no real
file is called but just a directory, modperl
does not pass on to default (and to mod_dir for
indexing of the directory).

 url /stylesheets/style.css triggers the default handler
properly, but not /stylesheets/ alone for instance.

url/telechargements/some.html also , but /telechargements/ does
not trigger default and no mod_dir as well

can anyone explain why ?


here is my conf, there is no virtual host

%Location = (
  '/' => {
    'PerlHandler' => 'MY::Stat',
    'Options' => '+ExecCGI',
    'SetHandler' => 'perl-script'
  '/telechargements/' => {
    'SetHandler' => 'default-handler'
  '/stylesheets/' => {
    'SetHandler' => 'default-handler'
  '/icons/' => {
    'SetHandler' => 'default-handler'

%Directory = (
  'c:/home/_stat3/htdocs' => {
    'AllowOverride' => 'None',
    'Order' => 'allow,deny',
    'Options' => 'Indexes',
    'Allow' => 'from all'
  'c:/home/_stat3/telechargements' => {
    'AllowOverride' => 'None',
    'Order' => 'allow,deny',
    'Options' => 'Indexes Multiviews',
    'Allow' => 'from all'
  'c:/home/_stat3/icons' => {
    'AllowOverride' => 'None',
    'Order' => 'allow,deny',
    'Options' => 'Indexes Multiviews',
    'Allow' => 'from all'


@Alias = (



$DocumentRoot = 'c:/home/_stat3/htdocs';

$Port = 8080;

$PerlInitHandler = 'Apache::Reload';

$CustomLog = 'c:/home/_stat3/access.log common';

$ErrorLog = 'c:/home/_stat3/error.log';

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