The answers to most beginner questions are in the guide as well.


At 05:28 PM 4/4/00, Adam Gotheridge wrote:
>I have been using zope for a while and while it is cool, I really like the
>speed/power/ease-of-use of perl so I would like to mimick some of the more
>important functions I saw in zope and I can't figure it out.
>One of the cool zope things was that you made one db connection object and 
>all database interaction referenced that connection object. If you had to 
>the connection string, it was in one place.
>How can I do something like that in modperl? I am thinking I should be able to
>just create a one-line connection string in a a file at the base of a 
>site, and
>then include that file in all perl pages. That takes care of the one place to
>change it problem, but I am not getting it.
>Something like
>my $dbh ||= DBI->connect(";sid=RED", 'scott',
>'tiger') || die "Can't connect to : DBI->errstr";
>and then in the cgi file say somthing like:
>There must be an easy way to do this!

Jeff Beard
Phone:  303.443.9339
Location:       Boulder, CO, USA

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