On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 18:21, Charlie Smith wrote:
> What is being cached by the mod_perl?

You should definitely read the mod_perl documentation that another
poster pointed you to.  However, let me address your core question about
what is being cached with mod_perl.

Technically, mod_perl doesn't cache any differently from Perl itself. 
When Perl code gets compiled to bytecode it stays in memory until the
Perl interpreter exits.  The key difference between mod_perl and Perl
CGI is that mod_perl keeps the interpeter alive between requests and
thus keeps the compiled bytecode in memory as well.  This is what people
mean by caching code.

Some frameworks that you can use with mod_perl, like Mason or Embperl,
cache other things as well.  This is explained in their documentation.

There are ways of configuring mod_perl to automatically pick up changes
in your code.  This is all described in the mod_perl documentation.

- Perrin

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