The recent message about proxy_add_forward reminded me of a simple
change I made that might help anyone who wants to track the
logs matching the source/destination of proxied requests. 
I also activated mod_unique_id and in mod_proxy_add_forward, after
    if (r->proxyreq) {
          ap_table_set(r->headers_in, "X-Forwarded-For",
I added: (too lazy to write a whole module for this...) 
          ap_table_set(r->headers_in, "X-Parent-Id",
                         ap_table_get(r->subprocess_env, "UNIQUE_ID")) ;

Then I added elements in the LogFormat for
   %{UNIQUE_ID}e %{X-Parent-Id}i 
The result is that the UNIQUE_ID field is different on every hit
and can be used as a database key.  If the first server hit
delivers the content directly, the X-Parent-Id will be logged as
"-".  If it passes the request by proxy to another server it will
be the same as the UNIQUE_ID (I wasn't expecting that, but it is
interesting).  The machine that receives the proxy request will
log the X-Parent-Id containing the same value as the sender's
UNIQUE_ID which can then be used to tie them together.

  Les Mikesell

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