Hi All,
just started to play with perl2 + apache2 and after getting borred with
warnings about redefinition of macro VOIDINFO, I've putted there #ifndef - I
don't know how to make patch files, but if any maintainer reads this, can
you please add following to perl5/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h ?

#ifndef VOIDUSED
#define VOIDUSED 1
Martin, please always specify the version of the sw you are talking about? How are we supposed to guess which perl version you are talking about?

In any case, this warning has been solved in perl 5.8.0 and you will still see it with 5.6.1. The problem with fixing 5.6.1 is that its successor 5.6.2 may be released or not at an unknown date.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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