> I'm also interested in this problem. I've
> been piping my mails to sendmail and I'm
> told that this is not a good idea with mod_perl.
> I find that talking to SMTP server is noticeably
> slower although I don't know whether the slowness is
> just in the initial connect
John Saylor wrote:
> I am writing a mod_perl handler that takes a HTTP POST and sends mail. What
> I'd like to do is to open up a connection to the SMTP server [a Net::SMTP
> object] and a log file [filehandle] that exist outside of the handler. So
> that when the handler is run, it has access to
I'm also interested in this problem. I've
been piping my mails to sendmail and I'm
told that this is not a good idea with mod_perl.
I find that talking to SMTP server is noticeably
slower although I don't know whether the slowness is
just in the initial connection. I am using the local
sendmail d
I am writing a mod_perl handler that takes a HTTP POST and sends mail. What
I'd like to do is to open up a connection to the SMTP server [a Net::SMTP
object] and a log file [filehandle] that exist outside of the handler. So
that when the handler is run, it has access to these items, and can se