I'm trying to write an apache authentication module that uses client
certificates for authentication.  Basically, all I'm trying to do is use
what mod_ssl does for cert verification, and then set REMOTE_USER. I
wrote to the list last week about a segfault, which was resolved thanks
to the help you guys gave me.  Now I am stuck with a problem that is
likely a logic error on my part, but I have a feeling that my problem
stems from a misunderstanding of how apache is supposed to work.  Since
my module is very short, I'll include it in this email, along with the
relevant contents of my error_log, in the hopes that someone might be
able to point me in the right direction.  Thanks!

-------my module, AuthNx509.pm------------
package Apache::AuthNx509;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Text::ParseWords  qw(quotewords);
use Apache::Log ();

sub handler {
    my $r = shift;
    my $c = $r->connection;
    my $log = $r->log;

    my $certcomponent = $r->dir_config('CertComponent') ||
    my $certcompvalue = $r->dir_config('CertComponentValue') ||
'University of Wisconsin';
    my $usercomponent = $r->dir_config('RemoteUserCertComponent') ||
    my $uri = $r->uri;
    return unless $r->is_main();

    my $subr = $r->lookup_uri($uri);
    my $apachecertcomp = $subr->subprocess_env($certcomponent);
    $log->notice("hello: $apachecertcomp");
   if ($apachecertcomp eq $certcompvalue)
        $log->notice("$certcompvalue good");
        $c->user = $r->subprocess_env->{$usercomponent};
        $log->notice("$c->user logged in successfully");
        return OK;
    $log->notice("cert no good: $r->subprocess_env->{$certcomponent}");
    my $reason = "Client Cert not in correct form";
    $r->log_reason($reason, $r->filename);
    return DECLINED;

error log data:
Thu Jun  5 14:57:11 2003] [notice] [client] hello:
[Thu Jun  5 14:57:11 2003] [notice] [client] cert no
good: Apache=SCALAR(0x8100308)->subprocess_env->{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_C}
[Thu Jun  5 14:57:11 2003] [error] access to /var/www/html/test failed
for, reason: Client Cert not in correct form
[Thu Jun  5 14:57:13 2003] [notice] [client] hello:
[Thu Jun  5 14:57:13 2003] [notice] [client] cert no
good: Apache=SCALAR(0x8100308)->subprocess_env->{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_C}
[Thu Jun  5 14:57:13 2003] [error] access to /var/www/html/test failed
for, reason: Client Cert not in correct form
[Thu Jun  5 14:57:13 2003] [crit] [client] configuration
couldn't check user.  No user file?: /test/

configuration data (in a <Directory> statement):

SSLVerifyClient      require
SSLVerifyDepth       10
SSLOptions           +StrictRequire
SSLRequire           %{SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE} >= 128

#   Force clients to use HTTPS
RewriteEngine        on
RewriteCond          %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule          .* - [F]

AuthName Test
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthNx509
PerlSetVar CertComponent SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_C
PerlSetVar CertComponentValue US
PerlSetVar RemoteUserCertComponent SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN
require valid-user

Any ideas would be most appreciated.  Thanks again!


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