
Got some odd behaviour with Net::LDAP which I've been using pretty
solidly for some time now.
When I run a simple script from the command line it binds to the LDAP
server and does a search just fine. When I run the same script under
Apache Registry, or the guts of the script inside a perl handler I get
the following error on the LDAP bind()

mesg code: 1
mesg error:  I/O Error Resource temporarily unavailable

And the search runs but only ever resolves to the root object in the
directory. It doesn't matter if I bind anoymously or as the root user.
The LDAP server is running on another machine to the Apache server.

I figure this might have something to do with a different perl
environment running under apache but comparing perl -V on the command
line with a dump of myconfig & @INC running under Apache only gives a
different @INC:

using perl -V:

dump of @INC under Apache

My environment:
Solaris 2.6
Apache 1.3.20
mod_perl 1.25
Perl 5.00503

Any ideas ?

Tim Fulcher

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