i have been trying to write a handler that will provide me with session
data using the URL (eg, http://www.domain.com/$sessionid . $r->url) like
the eagle books has on p246.
   in addition i am serving a cookie with that same $sessionid and then
comparing to two $sessionid's in order to prevent the leaking referrer
information and other problems.
   i am using apache::session::flex for my session information.
   i am running into a lot of operational problems and i think i am
looking at restarting this little project of mine.
   i want to do this for caching of expensive personalized webpages for
people would be great if i could.

   is there a a:session package already out there that does this? there
sure are a lot of them.  seems that there are none that manipulate the url
however in the perltranshandler however.


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