Re: New mod_perl Logo

2002-01-29 Thread Markus Wichitill
Note that that makes the only forbidden animal a white-tailed eagle I guess. Any other animal should be ok. The context is Apache and Perl, so wouldn't that include eagle, camel, llama and whatever other book animals I've missed?

META tags added as HTTP headers

2002-01-18 Thread Markus Wichitill
Hi, which part of an Apache/mod_perl setup is responsible for extracting META tags from generated HTML and adding them as HTTP headers (even with PerlSendHeaders Off)? In the case of META NAME='Blah' tags, it adds X-Meta-Blah headers, which are harmless but probably mostly a waste of bandwidth.

RE: squid performance

2000-01-17 Thread Markus Wichitill
So, if you want to increase RCVBUF size above 65535, the default max value, you have to raise first the absolut limit in /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max, Is "echo 131072 /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max" the proper way to do this? I don't have much experience with /proc, but this seems to work. If