Why not just make an include file that contains the module directives, and then just add an  Include myloginconffile.conf to each virtualhost section?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 10:04 PM
Subject: MP2 Apache Settings

Hello Group,
Hope this isn't too apache related and considered off topic.
I have a bunch of sites, each have their own IP.
Some of those sites have subsites within them with different domain names, these subsites are virtual's based on domainname with all the same parent IP.
If I have MP2 modules and location names that I want to share to specific IPs or Specific Virtual Hosts is there was way to define it once or does it have to be within each virtual host.
For example:
ServerName domain1.com
PerlModule YADDA::Login
<Location "/login">
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler YADDA::Login
ServerName domain2.com
ServerName domian3.com
In the case above I want the module YADDA::Login and the location to be available to BOTH the .05 virtual hosts, but not the .06 - so both /domain1.com/login and domian2.com/login do the same thing but domain3 would not.
Is the choice either global to everything or defined within each virtual that I want it? I've been reading the server and dir create/merge section on perl.apache.org but I'm not even sure it relates.

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