My setup:

- redhat 7.1
- perl 5.6.0 (original redhat rpm)
- mod_perl 1.26 (compiled)
- apache 1.3.20 (compiled)

I installed Apache::MP3 per the instructions in the docs.


    ServerName <removed>
    ServerAdmin <removed>
    DefaultType text/plain
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    <Location /songs>
        PerlSetVar      CacheDir        /usr/tmp/mp3_cache
        SetHandler      perl-script
        PerlHandler     Apache::MP3


# for Apache::MP3
AddType audio/mpeg     mp3 MP3
AddType audio/playlist m3u M3U

use MP3::Info;
use Apache::MP3;
use CGI;

I put a single MP3 in the 'songs' directory.  In what appears to be the
first request each child gets, the page pulls up fine.
However, any subsequent requests to each child result in this error in
the error_log:

[Thu Sep  6 00:51:23 2001] [error] Can't call method "start_html" on an
undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ line 258.

Any ideas?


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