I have what seems to be a uncommon request.

I need to write a module, or find a way, that will step in at the Authentication
phase, or rather before, determine that a password is required, return a response
that redirects to the https mode for the request, then allows authentication.

I'm doing this so that no clear text passwords pass the network and so that 
any page that doesn't require authentication can still be handled using our 
port 80 virtualhost.


http://devmachine/no_authen/ - stays port 80
https://devmachine/no_authen/ - stays port 443
http://devmachine/authen/ - redirects to 443
https://devmachine/authen/ - stays port 443 and sends 401

Any ideas?  I've seen a few that are close (Apache::AuthenURL, for instance), and
they could be changed to do what I need, but if there isn't a way already done
for specifically this, I might do it.

Comments?  How about a name for this, should it be necessary to right it?


J. J. Horner

Freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition:  either we 
are completely free, or we are subjects of a
tyrannical system.  If we lose one freedom in a
thousand, we become completely subjugated.

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