Hi Octavian,

Octavian Rasnita wrote:
Please tell me, have you succeeded to install mod_perl under a X86_64 machine? If yes, please advice what should I do.

Yes, I have, and haven't noticed any problems. I installed Debian stable (AMD64 version): http://www.debian.org/ports/amd64/ . The installation was generally straight-forward, but I encounter other problems such as Adobe Flash not being available, etc. But as for Apache 2/mod_perl 2...things are fine.

If you didn't, do you know if a 32 bit Linux OS can be installed under a 64 bit machine? Is it adviceable to do this for a production machine?

I'm not an expert on this, but looked into this briefly as I was worried about the level of support. From asking around, it seems that you can install 32-bit Linux on a 64-bit machine, but of course, you lose all the benefits of the 64 bits (access to larger disks and more memory per process). As an example, when I purchased my 64-bit machine, I was given the option to have Windows XP 32-bit or Windows XP 64-bit pre-installed for me. So yes, I guess a 32-bit OS can be installed.

In the end, I decided against it and have a 64-bit OS. Otherwise, I'm wasting the extra money if I'm not using the extra hardware. Back when I was deciding, software like OpenOffice was unavailable for 64-bits...that has since changed and now, I don't have many complaints other than minor things like Adobe Flash, etc.

Good luck with your mod_perl problem...sorry I couldn't give advice related to it, but it seems others have already...


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