
Thanks for your answer, but for me this is confusing.

I have

Apache2_4::AuthCookie is up to date. (3.30)
Apache2::AuthCookie is up to date. (3.30)
Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)
Server built:   Apr  2 2020 13:13:23

at the end of /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf there is include 

my @inc has /systems/achilles/lib
and I have /systems/achilles/lib/Apache2/AuthCookieHandler.pm
and /systems/achilles/lib/Apache2_4/AuthCookieHandler.pm

in both AuthCookieHandler.pm I've renamed the package line to eg
package Apache2_4::AuthCookieHandler;

In the directory I want to protect should I have

AuthType Apache2::AuthCookieHandler
AuthName WhatEver
PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
Require valid-user


AuthType Apache2_4::AuthCookieHandler
AuthName WhatEver
PerlAuthenHandler Apache2_4::AuthCookieHandler->authenticate
Require valid-user

And then what subs/methods I need to add into which AuthCookieHandler.pm ?

in startup.pl should I have both or just one?

use Apache2::AuthCookie ;
use Apache2_4::AuthCookie ;

I am not porting from 2.2. I have used Shibboleth until now to protect 
directories but this project I can not use Shibboleth.


Scott Alexander


From: Edward J. Sabol <edwardjsa...@gmail.com>
Sent: 12 May 2020 00:58
To: Scott Alexander <scott.alexan...@humak.fi>
Cc: mod_perl list <modperl@perl.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Apache2:AuthCookie With httpd 2.4

On May 11, 2020, at 8:58 AM, Scott Alexander <scott.alexan...@humak.fi> wrote:
> I've included using 
> https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmanpages.debian.org%2Funstable%2Flibapache2-authcookie-perl%2FApache2_4%3A%3AAuthCookie.3pm.en.html&amp;data=02%7C01%7C%7Cfdafa4a140a44a1c47ed08d7f5f66767%7Ca30a558eb6084b2c8f39a7fa426fa49d%7C0%7C0%7C637248310956933568&amp;sdata=XwSR%2FO7jCwZrZLuYRSWWhp%2Fwz7tCtWkCzjs0fTRTIDk%3D&amp;reserved=0
>  as an example
> # In httpd.conf or .htaccess:
> PerlModule Sample::Apache2::AuthCookieHandler
> PerlSetVar WhatEverPath / .....
> to my ssl.conf file
> No changes made to httpd.conf or ssl.conf.

Those two statements seem to be conflicting? I keep my 
authentication/authorization information in httpd.conf, personally.

> When trying to access the page I get the errors above.

That sample configuration from the POD assumes that you are subclassing 
Apache2::AuthCookie and that the name of your subclass is 
Sample::Apache2::AuthCookieHandler. It's meant to be illustrative. I'm guessing 
you don't actually have such a subclass. Try just removing the "Sample::" part. 
You can probably also find working examples in the tests in the "t" 

> I've read this 
> https://eur03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmetacpan.org%2Fpod%2Fdistribution%2FApache-AuthCookie%2FREADME.apache-2.4.pod&amp;data=02%7C01%7C%7Cfdafa4a140a44a1c47ed08d7f5f66767%7Ca30a558eb6084b2c8f39a7fa426fa49d%7C0%7C0%7C637248310956933568&amp;sdata=SyqV%2FQzJyud4W6ENIgEY9nk%2F9uBzBGf7p6gmShAqivc%3D&amp;reserved=0
> which unfortunately doesn't make sense to me.

That POD is meant for people developing (or porting from Apache 2.2.x) their 
own Perl modules for doing authentication and authorization under Apache 2.4.x. 
AuthCookie already handles all of this for you, assuming you only need or use 
AuthCookie. It might apply if you are subclassing from AuthCookie and you get 
into the gritty details, such as implementing your own AuthzProvider. Check out 
Apache2_4::AuthCookieDBI for an example of that.



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