Hi All,

I have some Apache(2.0)/ mod_perl(2.0)/ perl(5.8)/ webDAV queries

My mod_perl handler redirects DAV requests.
Each user logs on then points their DAV client to <srv>/dav/home
>From the login info, the handler translates this to /home/www/userXYZ
and does an internal redirect to it.

1. First step partially works, I can redirect to <srv>/testuser/,
which is an Alias defined in httpd.conf as pointing to /home/www/userXYZ.
Problem: Dav client only sees folders, not files, and the folders recurse.

2. Second step is more tricky, I cant seem to redirect to a sub-path of an alias.
I need to do this, cant have one alias per user as there would be 40,000 Aliases!
I have an alias /dav/ which points to /home/www.
But when I try to redirect to /dav/userXYZ the DAV client complains that
"Server doesnt support WebDAV at resource /dav/home

Same thing happens when I point DavCli directly at /dav/userXYZ,
the DAV client complains that "Server doesnt support WebDAV at resource /dav/userXYZ.
It seems to like Alias's but not their sub-paths.

3. Eventually I want to redirect into another path that the handler handles,
so that I can reject invalid requests.
This means 2 handlers for the same URI: my .pm and mod_dav.
How can I "handle" a request then (optionally) pass it on to mod_dav?

Thanks in advance, I'd much appreciate any comments.

Mike Burton

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