[Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I believe the first message
 did not get through]

  Hi all,
I am working in an Apache2/mod_perl2 environment, with MySQL DBs, and
I have a somewhat special need with respect to persistent connections;
I need some of the database connections to be persistent,
while most should stay not persistent; also, I'd like to have
a hook, to perform some initialization on a freshly open connection.

  After looking at the documentation/code I do not think I can use
Apache::DBI for that (but I'd love to be proven wrong!). Can anybody
point me towards a solution. I can obviously copy and modify
Apache::DBI, but it seems the kind of code that it's easy to get wrong
in very subtle ways, so I'd rather avoid that.

  Any suggestion appreciated.


P.S.: I am not sure if this question is best posted on a DBI
mailing list

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