Perrin Harkins wrote:

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 13:32 -0500, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

some of the general user presentation would probably develop well under php -- but I dont want to consider that at the expense of the mod_perl processes.

I think it's pretty much guaranteed that it will be more work to make
perl and PHP code cooperate for building a single app than to just learn
enough perl to solve these issues without splitting things up. Have you
looked at tools like Embperl, Mason, and Apache::ASP? They provide a
similar style of working to PHP.

I might be off target here, but I've started using the template toolkit (TT) in my first ever mod_perl "site", and while I'm sure I'm not following any "right" way to do things, I like the way it works with TT for the presentation.

When I fiddled with php, there was a lot of talk about various templating systems Smarty etc, but I never tried them, mostly becuase I fell into having code and HTML all in the one file/program.

Anyway, I might be way off with what you are after, but for presentation, that's what I use and it works for me, since I can do all the logic and then call in the template to send it to.


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