I use mod_perl 2.0.3, Apache/2.2.4, Perl 5.8.8 on Linux. I encountered some problems that would have been easier to solve with more documentation.

1. mod_perl Directives Argument Types and Allowed Location


PerlOptions is listed as "DIR"...

PerlOptions                  ITERATE    DIR

...but when I add
 PerlOptions +Parent

to my apache.conf, I get the error message:
   Invalid per-directory PerlOption: Parent

2. PerlSwitches

Doc here:

I also noticed that
 PerlSwitches -I/myliblocation
within a <virtualhost></virtualhost> did not throw an error message, but seemed to be silently ignored.
When I put it outside of the virtualhost section, it worked as expected.

Rohan Carly

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