has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/G/GR/GRICHTER/Embperl-2.2.0.tar.gz
  size: 667232 bytes
   md5: c1e25850a810b2044fe933e99478c2d9

Beside some small fixes, this release adds support for Apache 2.2 and a dump
meta command which simplifies debugging.


Embperl is a system for building dynamic websites with Perl.

It gives you the power to embed Perl code in your HTML/XML documents and the
ability to build your Web site out of small reusable objects in an
object-oriented style. 

Embperl has several features which are especially useful for creating
Websites, including dynamic tables, form field processing, URL
escaping/unescaping, session handling, caching, xslt transformation and

See (english) or
(german) for more information.



Changes since 2.1.0:

    - Added new command [$ dump $] which can be used
      to dump variables to logfiles or to the output
      for debugging purpose.

    - [$ sub $] return value is handled now corretly
      in scalar and array context

    - Added support for Apache 2.2

    - Added Table of Content pod file, which lists
      all available Embperl documentation, to get
      a better overview. Thanks to Axel Beckert.

    - Fixed Cookie expire calculation, because
      relative exipre times where only calculated
      once at server startup. Spotted by Derrick Spell. 

    - Fixed parsing of Cache configuration functions in
      httpd.conf. Spotted by Carl Eklof.

    - Added better handling of Out Of Memory condition,
      i.e. log error end try to clean up instead of

    - Fixed segfault that could occur because a non
      string value is passed as string index, which 
      crashed if such a string index doesn't exists.
      Spotted by Carl Eklof.

Gerald Richter            ecos electronic communication services gmbh
IT-Securitylösungen * Webapplikationen mit Apache/Perl/mod_perl/Embperl

Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5          D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
E-Mail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Voice:   +49 6133 939-122
WWW:      Fax:     +49 6133 939-333
ECOS BB-5000 Firewall- und IT-Security Appliance:


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