We're pleased to announce that Krang v1.102 is now available.

Notable changes in this release:

  * Added a new Krang::ElementClass method, mark_form_invalid(). This method may
    be overriden to alter how Krang marks element form fields invalid. The
    default behvior, wrapping the field in a span set to the ``invalid'' class

  * Improved support for Mac OSX, both in compilation and documentation.

  * Can now bundle Krang::List data with your element library, and have it
    imported when the database is created (in the same fashion as
    templates.kds). The file is lists.kds.

  * Added slug as a variable available to all templates at publish-time. This
    was intended to be there all along, but somehow fell through the cracks.

  * Added bin/krang_addon_framework - a new script to create a supporting
    framework to simplify development of Krang addons.

  * Added --rebuild option to bin/krang_build allowing it to build modules even
    if there an existing Krang build there already.

  For more information about Krang, visit the Krang website:


There you can download Krang, view screenshots, read documentation,
join our mailing-lists and access the CVS tree.

Detailed change-log here: http://krang.sf.net/docs/changelog.html

Krang is an Open Source web-publisher / content-management system
designed for large-scale magazine-style websites.  It is a 100% Perl
application using Apache/mod_perl and MySQL, as well as numerous CPAN

Krang provides a powerful and easy to use story and media editing
environment for magazine editors, as well as a complete template
development environment for web designers. On the back-end, Perl
programmers can customize Krang to control the data entered in the
story editor and add code to drive the templates to build
output. Krang can be enhanced with add-ons containing new skins and
other new features.  Krang easily handles large data sets and can
manage multiple websites in a single installation.

  - the Krang team

Aaron Dancygier

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