On Wednesday 29 June 2005 08:40 am, Nielsen, Steve wrote:

> The mod_perl is use is built from the current fedora core 4 rpm.
> When I run apxs I get /usr/include/httpd (which is correct).
> I don't see the call to apxs anywhere (I looked int ModPerl:MM related code
> and in Scoreboard). Where is it located?

My mistake, the make code is rather convoluted.
The include path the Apache::Scoreboard make uses comes from 
Apache2/BuildConfig.pm, which is generated by your mod_perl compile.

> Another issue I see if apr (apache runtime) is packaged separately) and
> resides in /usr/include/apr-0 on my system.

That might be a problem with ModPerl::MM, which I know little about at this 

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