Hi all,

Just a quick question:

I have a handler that is for user registration. The user logs in and then can do various tasks like viewing their files (say text files for example), change their password, editing files, etc.

The handler would be: http://my.site.com/userreg, and for instance, editing their profile would be

my.site.com/userreg?op=edit or my.site.com/userreg?op=profile (user is logged in as "username", using a session id from a cookie, session db)

How would I add code that makes user ops appear as sub directories of the handler such as in the case
of above:

my.site.com/userreg/username/edit, my.site.com/userreg/username/profile, and if editing a file

my.site.com/userreg/username/filefoo.txt... ?

I would want the handler to print the urls as well as be able to process the urls.

Any info on how to do this - thanks in advance!


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