Stefan Loones wrote:
Then about the documentation:

Stefan and a few other folks have voiced a few concers about docs. I'll try to address those here:

1) docs need to be improved and reorganized.

Well, docs need to be written. It's easy to suggest things, one needs to actually write docs. When was the last time you submitted a doc patch?

2) docs need to have user comments.

I'm not sure it's a good idea. We already have a way too much documentation. Instead of making it even harder for users to find things, one should take the existing docs and improve them, rather then dump random comments in there. If you want to add a comment, that means that something is not clearly explained. So take your time to try and reword the existing docs to make them more clear. It's not the quantity but the quality that matters.

3) 2.0 docs are lacking and we don't want to go and read mp1 docs for areas not covered by mp2 docs.

so far Randy Kobes and I are the only ones writing those docs (with help from Philippe, Geoff and a few other folks). At the moment you already have 400 pages (some are still unpolished) of API docs [1] and 300 pages of user docs [2] and those are improved daily. I'm writing docs mainly for new mp2 things, which are different from mp1. If you want to see mp1 docs ported to mp2 docs, you need to send doc patches. Things won't appear out of thin air, one needs to actually do the work.


If you would like to get involved with docs, the commit access is easy to get. Just start posting patches and show committment, and then you will be able to fix things directly...

Here is again the info on how to contribute to docs:

I'm looking forward for your doc patches ;)

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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