Well, Anthony Esposito replied to me personally explaining that the files
get compiled once, I suppose to speed things up. So, the login.pl gets
rendered only once (when it's compiled), but not thereafter. The solution is
to turn the stuff in login.pl into a method and invoke it later.
On Sun, Aug
> "Roland" == Roland Mai writes:
Roland> The login.pl file gets executed only once. Upon subsequent refreshes it
Roland> dissapears.
What does that mean? Does it generate content? Are there any errors in
the error log? Can you log that it is being actually invoked?
Randal L. Schwartz
I'm relatively new to perl so bear with me please. I'm seeing a strange
behavior with perl
When I use the following config in apache
ServerName perly
DocumentRoot /var/www/perl/perly
AddHandler perl-script .pl
PerlOptions ParseHeaders
PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry