stas        01/10/09 05:47:38

  Added:       ModPerl-Registry MANIFEST Makefile.PL README TODO
               ModPerl-Registry/t .cvsignore TEST.PL basic.t closure.t
               ModPerl-Registry/t/conf .cvsignore
  - ModPerl::Registry and friends sub-project's basic functionality and
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/MANIFEST
  MANIFEST                      This list of files
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/Makefile.PL
  Index: Makefile.PL
  require 5.6.1;
  use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
  use lib qw(lib ../blib/lib);
  # enable 'make test|clean'
  use Apache::TestMM qw(test clean);
  # prerequisites
  my %require =
     "Apache::Test" => "", # any version will do?
  my @scripts = qw(t/TEST);
  # accept the configs from comman line
       NAME         => 'ModPerl::Registry',
       VERSION_FROM => 'lib/ModPerl/',
       PREREQ_PM    => \%require,
       clean        => {
                        FILES => "@{ clean_files() }",
  sub clean_files {
      return [@scripts];
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/README
  Index: README
  to be written
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/TODO
  Index: TODO
  - META tags in the modules
   - print STDERR is buffered in test handlers, whereas warn() works
     normally. select() helps, but STDERR should be unbuffered in first
  > what's the replacement of NameWithVirtualHost? Obviously we need something
  > to distinguish between vhs.
  DougM: well, if possible we should distinguish between the uri and
  requested resource instead.  in otherwords, we have the: r->uri =>
  r->filename translation, just need to figure out if r->filename is the
  actual filename or a symlink (readlink can be used to get the real
  filename).  then create a package based on the filename, but with as
  few package:: levels as possible (hopefully none beyond
  DougM: using filenames makes for long packages names == lengthy
  lookups and more memory than we need.  at least the way it is
  currently implemented where each '/' turns into '::'.  could be that
  s,/,_,g is good enough, but haven't thought about this for a while.
  in any case, we should get rid of the NameWithVirtualHost stuff, its
  caused too many problems in the past.
  Bjarni R. Einarsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has suggested this Registry hack
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/lib/ModPerl/
  package ModPerl::PerlRun;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  # we try to develop so we reload ourselves without die'ing on the warning
  no warnings qw(redefine); # XXX, this should go away in production!
  our $VERSION = '1.99';
  use ModPerl::RegistryCooker;
  @ModPerl::PerlRun::ISA = qw(ModPerl::RegistryCooker);
  # META: prototyping ($$) segfaults on request
  sub handler {
      my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__;
      my $r = shift;
      return $class->new($r)->default_handler();
  my $parent = 'ModPerl::RegistryCooker';
  # the following code:
  # - specifies package's behavior different from default of $parent class
  # - speeds things up by shortcutting @ISA search, so even if the
  #   default is used we still use the alias
  my %aliases = (
       new             => 'new',
       init            => 'init',
       default_handler => 'default_handler',
       run             => 'run',
       can_compile     => 'can_compile',
       make_namespace  => 'make_namespace',
       namespace_from  => 'namespace_from_filename',
       is_cached       => 'FALSE',
       should_compile  => 'TRUE',
       flush_namespace => 'flush_namespace_normal',
       cache_it        => 'NOP',
       read_script     => 'read_script',
       rewrite_shebang => 'rewrite_shebang',
       set_script_name => 'set_script_name',
       chdir_file      => 'chdir_file_normal',
       get_mark_line   => 'get_mark_line',
       compile         => 'compile',
       error_check     => 'error_check',
       strip_end_data_segment             => 'strip_end_data_segment',
       convert_script_to_compiled_handler => 'convert_script_to_compiled_handler',
  # in this module, all the methods are inherited from the same parent
  # class, so we fixup aliases instead of using the source package in
  # first place.
  $aliases{$_} = $parent . "::" . $aliases{$_} for keys %aliases;
  =head1 NAME
  ModPerl::PerlRun - 
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/lib/ModPerl/
  package ModPerl::Registry;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  # we try to develop so we reload ourselves without die'ing on the warning
  no warnings qw(redefine); # XXX, this should go away in production!
  our $VERSION = '1.99';
  use ModPerl::RegistryCooker;
  @ModPerl::Registry::ISA = qw(ModPerl::RegistryCooker);
  sub handler {
      my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__;
      my $r = shift;
      return $class->new($r)->default_handler();
  my $parent = 'ModPerl::RegistryCooker';
  # the following code:
  # - specifies package's behavior different from default of $parent class
  # - speeds things up by shortcutting @ISA search, so even if the
  #   default is used we still use the alias
  my %aliases = (
       new             => 'new',
       init            => 'init',
       default_handler => 'default_handler',
       run             => 'run',
       can_compile     => 'can_compile',
       make_namespace  => 'make_namespace',
       namespace_from  => 'namespace_from_filename',
       is_cached       => 'is_cached',
       should_compile  => 'should_compile_if_modified',
       flush_namespace => 'NOP',
       cache_it        => 'cache_it',
       read_script     => 'read_script',
       rewrite_shebang => 'rewrite_shebang',
       set_script_name => 'set_script_name',
       chdir_file      => 'chdir_file_normal',
       get_mark_line   => 'get_mark_line',
       compile         => 'compile',
       error_check     => 'error_check',
       strip_end_data_segment             => 'strip_end_data_segment',
       convert_script_to_compiled_handler => 'convert_script_to_compiled_handler',
  # in this module, all the methods are inherited from the same parent
  # class, so we fixup aliases instead of using the source package in
  # first place.
  $aliases{$_} = $parent . "::" . $aliases{$_} for keys %aliases;
  # Note that you don't have to do the aliases if you use defaults, it
  # just speeds things up the first time the sub runs, after that
  # methods are cached.
  # But it's still handy, since you explicitly specify which subs from
  # the parent package you are using
  # META: if the ISA search results are cached on the first lookup, may
  # be need to alias only the those that aren't the defaults?
  =head1 NAME
  ModPerl::Registry - 
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/lib/ModPerl/
  package ModPerl::RegistryBB;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  # we try to develop so we reload ourselves without die'ing on the warning
  no warnings qw(redefine); # XXX, this should go away in production!
  our $VERSION = '1.99';
  use ModPerl::RegistryCooker;
  @ModPerl::RegistryBB::ISA = qw(ModPerl::RegistryCooker);
  # META: prototyping ($$) segfaults on request
  sub handler {
      my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__;
      my $r = shift;
      return $class->new($r)->default_handler();
  # currently all the methods are inherited through the normal ISA
  # search may
  =head1 NAME
  ModPerl::RegistryBB - 
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  C<ModPerl::RegistryBB> uses all the defaults, which do the very minimum
  to compile the file once and run it many times.
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/lib/ModPerl/
  # VERY IMPORTANT: Be very careful modifying the defaults, since many
  # VERY IMPORTANT: packages rely on them. In fact you should never
  # VERY IMPORTANT: modify the defaults after the package gets released,
  # VERY IMPORTANT: since they are a hardcoded part of this suite's API.
  package ModPerl::RegistryCooker;
  require 5.006;
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  # we try to develop so we reload ourselves without die'ing on the warning
  no warnings qw(redefine); # XXX, this should go away in production!
  our $VERSION = '1.99';
  use Apache::compat ();
  # Should not use Apache::compat, the following methods need to be implemented
  # $r->slurp_filename
  # $r->clear_rgy_endav
  # $r->stash_rgy_endav
  use Apache::Response;
  use Apache::Log;
  use Apache::Const -compile => qw(:common &OPT_EXECCGI);
  use File::Spec::Functions ();
  use ModPerl::Util ();
  # issues
  # META: who sets this? What's the default?
  unless (defined $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine) {
      $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine = 1;
  ### Optimizations
  # - $o->[CLASS] of the subclass is known at compile time, so should
  #   create the subs using $o->[CLASS] on the fly for each subclass
  #   which wants them
  ### TODO
  # - who handles END/BEGIN/,CHECK,INIT) blocks?
  # - see META's accross the file
  # debug flag constants
  use constant D_ERROR   => 1;
  use constant D_WARN    => 2;
  use constant D_COMPILE => 4;
  use constant D_NOISE   => 8;
  # use ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG constant if defined elsewhere
  # before the compilation of this package: D_NOISE devel mode (prod==0)
  #use constant DEBUG => ModPerl::RegistryCooker->can('DEBUG') || D_NOISE;
  #use Apache::ServerUtil;
  #use constant DEBUG => defined 
Apache->server->dir_config('ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG') ? 
Apache->server->dir_config('ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG') : D_NOISE;
  use constant DEBUG => D_NOISE;
  # object's array index's access constants
  use constant REQ       => 0;
  use constant FILENAME  => 1;
  use constant URI       => 2;
  use constant MTIME     => 3;
  use constant PACKAGE   => 4;
  use constant CODE      => 5;
  use constant STATUS    => 6;
  use constant CLASS     => 7;
  # OS specific constants
  use constant IS_WIN32 => $^O eq "MSWin32";
  # constant subs
  use constant NOP   => sub {   };
  use constant TRUE  => sub { 1 };
  use constant FALSE => sub { 0 };
  # install the aliases into $class
  sub install_aliases {
      my ($class, $rh_aliases) = @_;
      no strict 'refs';
      while (my($k,$v) = each %$rh_aliases) {
          if (my $sub = *{$v}{CODE}){
              #warn "$class: ok: $k => $v";
              *{ $class . "::$k" } = $sub;
          else {
              die "$class: $k aliasing failed; sub $v doesn't exist";
  # func: new
  # dflt: new
  # args: $class - class to bless into
  #       $r     - Apache::Request object
  # desc: create the class's object and bless it
  # rtrn: the newly created object
  sub new {
      my($class, $r) = @_;
      my $o = bless [], $class;
      #$o->debug("$$: init class: $class");
      return $o;
  # func: init
  # dflt: init
  # desc: initializes the data object's fields: CLASS REQ FILENAME URI
  # args: $r - Apache::Request object
  # rtrn: nothing
  sub init {
      $_[0]->[CLASS]    = ref $_[0];
      $_[0]->[REQ]      = $_[1];
      $_[0]->[URI]      = $_[1]->uri;
      $_[0]->[FILENAME] = $_[1]->filename;
  # func: handler
  # dflt: handler
  # desc: the handler() sub that is expected by Apache
  # args: $class - handler's class
  #       $r     - Apache::Request object
  #       (o)can be called as handler($r) as well (without leading $class)
  # rtrn: handler's response status
  # note: must be implemented in a sub-class unless configured as
  #       Apache::Foo->handler in httpd.conf (because of the
  #       __PACKAGE__, which is tied to the file)
  # META: prototyping ($$) segfaults on request
  sub handler {
      my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__;
      my $r = shift;
  # func: default_handler
  # dflt: META: see above
  # desc: META: see above
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: handler's response status
  # note: that's what most sub-class handlers will call
  sub default_handler {
      my $o = shift;
      if ($o->should_compile) {
          my $rc = $o->can_compile;
          return $rc unless $rc == Apache::OK;
      return $o->run;
  # func: run
  # dflt: run
  # desc: executes the compiled code
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: execution status (Apache::?)
  sub run {
      my $o = shift;
      my $r       = $o->[REQ];
      my $package = $o->[PACKAGE];
      my $rc = Apache::OK;
      my $cv = \&{"$package\::handler"};
      { # run the code, preserve warnings setup when it's done
          no warnings;
          eval { $rc = &{$cv}($r, @_) } if $r->seqno;
          $o->[STATUS] = $rc;
      # META: handle!
      if ( ($rc = $o->error_check) != Apache::OK) {
          return $rc;
      return Apache::OK;
  # func: can_compile
  # dflt: can_compile
  # desc: checks whether the script is allowed and can be compiled
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: $rc - return status to forward
  # efct: initializes the data object's fields: MTIME
  sub can_compile {
      my $o = shift;
      my $r = $o->[REQ];
      unless (-r $r->finfo && -s _) {
          $r->log_error("$$: $o->[FILENAME] not found or unable to stat");
        return Apache::NOT_FOUND;
      return Apache::DECLINED if -d _;
      $o->[MTIME] = -M _;
      unless (-x _ or IS_WIN32) {
          $r->log_reason("file permissions deny server execution",
          return Apache::FORBIDDEN;
      if (!($r->allow_options & Apache::OPT_EXECCGI)) {
          $r->log_reason("Options ExecCGI is off in this directory",
          return Apache::FORBIDDEN;
      $o->debug("can compile $o->[FILENAME]") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
      return Apache::OK;
  # func: make_namespace
  # dflt: make_namespace
  # desc: prepares the namespace
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: the namespace
  # efct: initializes the field: PACKAGE
  sub make_namespace {
      my $o = shift;
      my $package = $o->namespace_from;
      # Escape everything into valid perl identifiers
      $package =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9_])/sprintf("_%2x", unpack("C", $1))/eg;
      # make sure that the sub-package doesn't start with a digit
      $package = "_$package";
      # META: ??? explain
      $ModPerl::Registry::curstash = $package;
      # prepend root
      $package = $o->[CLASS] . "::Cache::$package";
      $o->[PACKAGE] = $package;
      return $package;
  # func: namespace_from
  # dflt: namespace_from_filename
  # desc: returns a partial raw package name based on filename, uri, else
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: a unique string
  *namespace_from = \&namespace_from_filename;
  # return a package name based on $r->filename only
  sub namespace_from_filename {
      my $o = shift;
      my ($volume, $dirs, $file) = 
      my @dirs = File::Spec::Functions::splitdir($dirs);
      return join '_', ($volume||''), @dirs, $file;
  # return a package name based on $r->uri only
  sub namespace_from_uri {
      my $o = shift;
      my $path_info = $o->[REQ]->path_info;
      my $script_name = $path_info && $o->[URI] =~ /$path_info$/ ?
        substr($o->[URI], 0, length($o->[URI]) - length($path_info)) :
      # META: do we handle this?
      # if ($ModPerl::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost && $o->[REQ]->server->is_virtual) {
      #   my $name = $o->[REQ]->get_server_name;
      #   $script_name = join "", $name, $script_name if $name;
      # }
      $script_name =~ s:/+$:/__INDEX__:;
      return $script_name;
  # func: convert_script_to_compiled_handler
  # dflt: convert_script_to_compiled_handler
  # desc: reads the script, converts into a handler and compiles it
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: success/failure status
  sub convert_script_to_compiled_handler {
      my $o = shift;
      $o->debug("Adding package $o->[PACKAGE]") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
      # get the script's source
      # convert the shebang line opts into perl code
      # mod_cgi compat, should compile the code while in its dir, so
      # relative require/open will work.
  # META: what's this?
  #    # compile this subroutine into the uniq package name
  #    $o->debug("handler eval-ing") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
  #    undef &{"$o->[PACKAGE]\::handler"};# unless $Debug && $Debug & 4; #avoid 
  #    $o->[PACKAGE]->can('undef_functions') && $o->[PACKAGE]->undef_functions;
      my $line = $o->get_mark_line;
      my $eval = join '',
                      'package ',
                      $o->[PACKAGE], ";",
                      "sub handler {\n",
                      ${ $o->[CODE] },
                      "\n}"; # last line comment without newline?
      my %orig_inc = %INC;
  #warn "[-- $eval --]";
      my $rc = $o->compile(\$eval);
      $o->debug(qq{compiled package \"$o->[PACKAGE]\"}) if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
      # META: handle!
      # %INC cleanup
      #in case .pl files do not declare package ...;
      for (keys %INC) {
        next if $orig_inc{$_};
        next if /\.pm$/;
        delete $INC{$_};
  # META: $r->child_terminate is not implemented 
  #    if(my $opt = $r->dir_config("PerlRunOnce")) {
  #     $r->child_terminate if lc($opt) eq "on";
  #    }
      return $rc;
  # func: cache_it
  # dflt: cache_it
  # desc: mark the package as cached by storing its modification time
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: nothing
  sub cache_it {
      my $o = shift;
      no strict 'refs';
      ${$o->[CLASS]}->{ $o->[PACKAGE] }{mtime} = $o->[MTIME];
  # func: is_cached
  # dflt: is_cached
  # desc: checks whether the package is already cached
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: TRUE if cached,
  #       FALSE otherwise
  sub is_cached {
      my $o = shift;
      no strict 'refs';
      exists ${$o->[CLASS]}->{ $o->[PACKAGE] }{mtime};
  # func: should_compile
  # dflt: should_compile_once
  # desc: decide whether code should be compiled or not
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: TRUE if should compile
  #       FALSE otherwise
  # efct: sets MTIME if it's not set yet
  *should_compile = \&should_compile_once;
  # return false only if the package is cached and its source file
  # wasn't modified
  sub should_compile_if_modified {
      my $o = shift;
      $o->[MTIME] ||= -M $o->[REQ]->finfo;
      no strict 'refs';
      !($o->is_cached && 
        ${$o->[CLASS]}->{ $o->[PACKAGE] }{mtime} <= $o->[MTIME]);
  # return false if the package is cached already
  sub should_compile_once {
      not shift->is_cached;
  # func: flush_namespace
  # dflt: NOP (don't flush)
  # desc: flush the compiled package's namespace
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: nothing
  *flush_namespace = \&NOP;
  sub flush_namespace_normal {
      my $o = shift;
      $o->debug("flushing namespace") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
      no strict 'refs';
      my $tab = \%{ $o->[PACKAGE] . '::' };
      for (keys %$tab) {
          my $fullname = join '::', $o->[PACKAGE], $_;
          #code/hash/array/scalar might be imported
          #make sure the gv does not point elsewhere
          #before undefing each
          if (%$fullname) {
              *{$fullname} = {};
              undef %$fullname;
          if (@$fullname) {
              *{$fullname} = [];
              undef @$fullname;
          if ($$fullname) {
              my $tmp; #argh, no such thing as an anonymous scalar
              *{$fullname} = \$tmp;
              undef $$fullname;
          if (defined &$fullname) {
              no warnings;
              local $^W = 0;
              if (my $p = prototype $fullname) {
                  *{$fullname} = eval "sub ($p) {}";
              else {
                  *{$fullname} = sub {};
            undef &$fullname;
          if (*{$fullname}{IO}) {
              if (fileno $fullname) {
                  close $fullname;
  # func: read_script
  # dflt: read_script
  # desc: reads the script in
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: nothing
  # efct: initializes the CODE field with the source script
  # reads the contents of the file
  sub read_script {
      my $o = shift;
      $o->debug("reading $o->[FILENAME]") if DEBUG & D_NOISE;
      $o->[CODE] = $o->[REQ]->slurp_filename;
  # func: rewrite_shebang
  # dflt: rewrite_shebang
  # desc: parse the shebang line and convert command line switches
  #       (defined in %switches) into a perl code.
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: nothing
  # efct: the CODE field gets adjusted
  my %switches = (
     'T' => sub {
         Apache::warn("T switch ignored, ".
                    "enable with 'PerlTaintCheck On'\n")
           unless $Apache::__T; "";
     'w' => sub { "use warnings;\n" },
  sub rewrite_shebang {
      my $o = shift;
      my($line) = ${ $o->[CODE] } =~ /^(.*)$/m;
      my @cmdline = split /\s+/, $line;
      return unless @cmdline;
      return unless shift(@cmdline) =~ /^\#!/;
      my $prepend = "";
      for my $s (@cmdline) {
        next unless $s =~ s/^-//;
        last if substr($s,0,1) eq "-";
        for (split //, $s) {
            next unless exists $switches{$_};
            #print STDERR "parsed `$_' switch\n";
            $prepend .= &{$switches{$_}};
      ${ $o->[CODE] } =~ s/^/$prepend/ if $prepend;
  # func: set_script_name
  # dflt: set_script_name
  # desc: set $0 to the script's name
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: nothing
  sub set_script_name {
      *0 = \(shift->[FILENAME]);
  # func: chdir_file
  # dflt: NOP
  # desc: chdirs into $dir
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  #       $dir - a dir 
  # rtrn: nothing (?or success/failure?)
  *chdir_file = \&NOP;
  sub chdir_file_normal {
      my($o, $dir) = @_;
      # META: not implemented
      # META: see todo/api.txt unsafe!
      # $o->[REQ]->chdir_file($dir ? $dir : $o->[FILENAME]);
  # func: get_mark_line
  # dflt: get_mark_line
  # desc: generates the perl compiler #line directive
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: returns the perl compiler #line directive
  sub get_mark_line {
      my $o = shift;
      # META: shouldn't this be $o->[CLASS]?
      $ModPerl::Registry::MarkLine ? "\n#line 1 $o->[FILENAME]\n" : "";
  # func: strip_end_data_segment
  # dflt: strip_end_data_segment
  # desc: remove the trailing non-code from $o->[CODE]
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: nothing
  sub strip_end_data_segment {
      ${ +shift->[CODE] } =~ s/__(END|DATA)__(.*)//s;
  # func: compile
  # dflt: compile
  # desc: compile the code in $eval
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  #       $eval - a ref to a scalar with the code to compile
  # rtrn: success/failure
  sub compile {
      my($o, $eval) = @_;
      my $r = $o->[REQ];
      $o->debug("compiling $o->[FILENAME]") if DEBUG && D_COMPILE;
          # let the code define its own warn and strict level 
          no strict;
          no warnings FATAL => 'all'; # because we use FATAL 
          eval $$eval;
      return $o->error_check;
  # func: error_check
  # dflt: error_check
  # desc: checks $@ for errors
  # args: $o - registry blessed object
  # rtrn: Apache::SERVER_ERROR if $@ is set, Apache::OK otherwise
  sub error_check {
      my $o = shift;
      if ($@ and substr($@,0,4) ne " at ") {
        $o->[REQ]->log_error("$$: $o->[CLASS]: `$@'");
        $@{$o->[REQ]->uri} = $@;
        $@ = ''; #XXX fix me, if we don't do this Apache::exit() breaks 
        return Apache::SERVER_ERROR;
      return Apache::OK;
  ### helper methods
  sub debug{
      my $o = shift;
      $o->[REQ]->log_error("$$: $o->[CLASS]: " . join '', @_);
  =head1 NAME
  ModPerl::RegistryCooker - 
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/lib/ModPerl/
  package ModPerl::RegistryNG;
  # a back-compatibility placeholder
  *ModPerl::RegistryNG:: = \*ModPerl::Registry::;
  # META: prototyping ($$) segfaults on request
  sub handler {
      my $class = (@_ >= 2) ? shift : __PACKAGE__;
      my $r = shift;
      return $class->new($r)->default_handler();
  =head1 NAME
  ModPerl::RegistryNG -- See ModPerl::Registry
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
  C<ModPerl::RegistryNG> is the same as C<ModPerl::Registry>.
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/.cvsignore
  Index: .cvsignore
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/TEST.PL
  Index: TEST.PL
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  # XXX: fixme
  #use lib map { "$_/Apache-Test/lib" } qw(. ..);
  #use lib map { "$_/blib/lib"        } qw(. .. ../..);
  #use lib map { "$_/lib"             } qw(. .. ../..);
  #use blib map { $_ } qw(. .. ../..);
  use lib map {("../blib/$_", "../../blib/$_")} qw(lib arch);
  #use blib qw(..);
  use Apache::TestRunPerl ();
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/basic.t
  Index: basic.t
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use ModPerl::Registry;
  use Apache::Test;
  use Apache::TestUtil;
  use Apache::TestRequest;
  my @modules = qw(registry registry_ng registry_bb perlrun);
  plan tests => scalar @modules * 3;
  my $cfg = Apache::Test::config();
  # very basic compilation/response test
  for my $module (@modules) {
      my $url = "/$module/";
      ok t_cmp(
               "basic cgi test",
  # test non-executable bit
  for my $module (@modules) {
      my $url = "/$module/";
      ok t_cmp(
               "403 Forbidden",
               "non-executable file",
  # test environment pre-set
  for my $module (@modules) {
      my $url = "/$module/";
      ok t_cmp(
               "mod_cgi-like environment pre-set",
  # chdir is not safe yet!
  # require (actually chdir test)
  #for my $module (@modules) {
  #    my $url = "/$module/";
  #    ok t_cmp(
  #             "it works",
  #             $cfg->http_raw_get($url),
  #             "mod_cgi-like environment pre-set",
  #            );
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/closure.t
  Index: closure.t
  use strict;
  use warnings FATAL => 'all';
  use ModPerl::Registry;
  use Apache::Test;
  use File::Spec::Functions;
  use Apache::TestUtil;
  # this test tests how various registry packages cache and flush the
  # scripts their run, and whether they check modification on the disk
  # or not
  my @modules = qw(registry registry_ng registry_bb perlrun);
  plan tests => 6;
  my $cfg = Apache::Test::config();
  my $file = '';
  my $path = catfile $cfg->{vars}->{serverroot}, 'cgi-bin', $file;
  # for all sub-tests in this test, we assume that we always get onto
  # the same interpreter (since there are no other requests happening in
  # parallel
      # ModPerl::PerlRun
      # always flush
      # no cache
      my $url = "/perlrun/$file";
      # should be no closure effect, always returns 1
      my $first  = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      my $second = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      ok t_cmp(
               $second - $first,
               "never a closure problem",
      # modify the file
      # it doesn't matter, since the script is not cached anyway
      ok t_cmp(
               "never a closure problem",
      # ModPerl::Registry
      # no flush
      # cache, but reload on modification
      my $url = "/registry/$file";
      # we don't know what other test has called this uri before, so we
      # check the difference between two subsequent calls. In this case
      # the difference should be 1.
      my $first  = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      my $second = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      ok t_cmp(
               $second - $first,
               "closure problem should exist",
      # modify the file
      # should no notice closure effect on first request
      ok t_cmp(
               "no closure on the first request",
      # ModPerl::RegistryBB
      # no flush
      # cache once, don't check for mods
      my $url = "/registry_bb/$file";
      # we don't know what other test has called this uri before, so we
      # check the difference between two subsequent calls. In this case
      # the difference should be 0.
      my $first  = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      my $second = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      ok t_cmp(
               $second - $first,
               "closure problem should exist",
      # modify the file
      my $third = $cfg->http_raw_get($url);
      ok t_cmp(
               $third - $second,
               "no reload on mod, closure persist",
  sub sleep_and_touch_file {
      my $file = shift;
      sleep 2; # so -M will be different, res: 1 sec, granularity > 1sec
      my $now = time;
      utime $now, $now, $file;
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/cgi-bin/
  #!perl -w
  # test all the basic functionality
  print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
  print "ok";
  this is some irrelevant data
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/cgi-bin/
  #!perl -w
  # this script will suffer from a closure problem under registry
  # should see it under ::Registry
  # should not see it under ::PerlRun
  print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
  # this is a closure (when compiled inside handler()):
  my $counter = 0;
  sub counter {
      #warn "$$";
      print ++$counter;
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/cgi-bin/
  # test env vars
  print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
  print exists $ENV{QUERY_STRING} && $ENV{QUERY_STRING};
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/cgi-bin/
  $test_require = 'it works';
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/cgi-bin/
  #!perl -w
  # this test should return forbidden, since it should be not-executable
  print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
  print "ok";
  this is some irrelevant data
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/cgi-bin/
  # test the require
  print "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n";
  use lib qw(.);
  my $file = "./";
  require $file;
  print defined $test_require && $test_require;
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/conf/.cvsignore
  Index: .cvsignore
  1.1                  modperl-2.0/ModPerl-Registry/t/conf/
  #this file will be Include-d by @ServerRoot@/httpd.conf
  # make sure that we test under Taint mode
  PerlSwitches -T
  PerlSwitches -Mlib=@ServerRoot@/../lib
  PerlSwitches -Mlib=@ServerRoot@/../../lib
  PerlSwitches -Mlib=@ServerRoot@/../../blib/lib
  PerlSwitches -Mlib=@ServerRoot@/../../blib/arch
  Alias /registry/         @ServerRoot@/cgi-bin/
  Alias /registry_ng/      @ServerRoot@/cgi-bin/
  Alias /registry_bb/      @ServerRoot@/cgi-bin/
  Alias /registry_oo_conf/ @ServerRoot@/cgi-bin/
  Alias /perlrun/          @ServerRoot@/cgi-bin/
  #PerlModule TestDebugMy
  PerlSetVar ModPerl::RegistryCooker::DEBUG 0
  ### DEVMODE: Remove in production ###
  PerlModule Apache::Reload
  PerlInitHandler Apache::Reload
  PerlSetVar ReloadAll Off
  PerlSetVar ReloadModules "ModPerl::*"
  PerlModule ModPerl::RegistryCooker
  PerlModule ModPerl::Util
  PerlModule ModPerl::RegistryNG
  <Location /registry_ng>
      PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
      SetHandler perl-script
      Options +ExecCGI
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::RegistryNG
      PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  PerlModule ModPerl::RegistryBB
  <Location /registry_bb>
      PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
      SetHandler perl-script
      Options +ExecCGI
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::RegistryBB
      PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  PerlModule ModPerl::PerlRun
  <Location /perlrun>
      PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
      SetHandler perl-script
      Options +ExecCGI
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
      PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  PerlModule ModPerl::Registry
  <Location /registry>
      PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
      SetHandler perl-script
      Options +ExecCGI
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
      PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
  # META: dumps core on OO handlers
  <Location /registry_oo_conf>
      PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
      SetHandler perl-script
      Options +ExecCGI
      PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry->handler
      PerlOptions +ParseHeaders

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