Author: stevehay
Date: Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
New Revision: 1543390



Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/
--- perl/apxs/trunk/ (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/ Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -10,105 +10,139 @@ use File::Spec::Functions;
 require '';
-    die 'This script is intended for Win32' unless $^O =~ /Win32/i;
+  die 'This script is intended for Win32' unless $^O =~ /Win32/i;
-my ($apache, $help);
+my ($apache, $help, $progname);
 GetOptions( 'with-apache2=s' => \$apache,
+           'with-apache-prog=s' => \$progname,
            'help' => \$help,
            ) or usage($0);
 usage($0) if $help;
 my @path_ext;
-$apache ||= search(); 
+($apache, $progname) = search($apache, $progname);
+push @ARGV, "--with-apache-prog=$progname";
 for my $file (qw( ) {
-    push @ARGV, "--with-apache2=$apache";
-    unless (my $return = do $file) {
-       warn "Cannot parse $file: $@" if $@;
-       warn "Cannot do $file: $!"    unless defined $return;
-       warn "Cannot run $file"       unless $return;
-    }
+  push @ARGV, "--with-apache2=$apache";
+  unless (my $return = do $file) {
+    die "Cannot parse $file: $@" if $@;
+    die "Cannot do $file: $!"    unless defined $return;
+    die "Cannot run $file"       unless $return;
+  }
 sub search {
-    my $apache;
-    if (my $bin = which('Apache')) {
-        (my $candidate = dirname($bin)) =~ s!bin$!!;
-        if (-d $candidate and check($candidate)) {
-            $apache = $candidate;
-        }
-    }
-    unless ($apache and -d $apache) {
-        $apache = prompt("Please give the path to your Apache2 installation:",
-                         $apache);
-    }
-    die "Can't find a suitable Apache2 installation!" 
-        unless ($apache and -d $apache and check($apache));
-    $apache = Win32::GetShortPathName($apache);
-    $apache =~ s!\\$!!;
-    my $ans = prompt(qq{\nUse "$apache" for your Apache2 directory?}, 'yes');
-    unless ($ans =~ /^y/i) {
-        die <<'END';
+  my ($apache, $progname) = @_;
+  if ($apache) {
+    die qq{Cannot find the "$apache" directory} unless -d $apache;
+    if ($progname) {
+      my $bin = catfile $apache, 'bin', $progname;
+      die qq{"$bin" appears not to be an executable file} unless (-x $bin);
+    }
+    else {
+      $progname = 'Apache.exe';
+    }
+    if (check_httpd($apache, $progname)) {
+      $apache = Win32::GetShortPathName($apache);
+      $apache =~ s!\\$!!;
+      return ($apache, $progname);
+    }
+    else {
+      die qq{"$apache" appears not to be a suitable Apache2 installation};
+    }
+  }
+  for my $binary( qw(Apache.exe httpd.exe) ) {
+    my ($candidate, $bin);
+    if ($bin = which($binary)) {
+      ($candidate = dirname($bin)) =~ s!bin$!!;
+      if (-d $candidate and check_httpd($candidate, $binary)) {
+        $apache = $candidate;
+        $progname = $binary;
+        last;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  $progname ||= 'Apache.exe';
+  unless ($apache and -d $apache) {
+    $apache = prompt("Please give the path to your Apache2 installation:",
+                     $apache);
+    $progname = prompt("Please give the name of your Apache program name:",
+                       $progname);
+  }
+  die "Cannot find a suitable Apache2 installation!" 
+    unless ($apache and -d $apache and check_httpd($apache, $progname));
+  $apache = Win32::GetShortPathName($apache);
+  $apache =~ s!\\$!!;
+  my $ans = prompt(qq{\nUse "$apache" for your Apache2 directory?}, 'yes');
+  unless ($ans =~ /^y/i) {
+    die <<'END';
 Please run this configuration script again, and give
 the --with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2 option to specify
-the desired top-level Apache2 directory.
+the desired top-level Apache2 directory and, if necessary,
+the --with-apache-prog=httpd.exe to specify the Apache
+program name.
-    }
-    return $apache;
+  }
+  return ($apache, $progname);
 sub drives {
-    my @drives = ();
-    eval{require Win32API::File;};
-    return map {"$_:\\"} ('C' .. 'Z') if $@;
-    my @r = Win32API::File::getLogicalDrives();
-    return unless @r > 0;
-    for (@r) {
-        my $t = Win32API::File::GetDriveType($_);
-        push @drives, $_ if ($t == 3 or $t == 4);
-    }
-    return @drives > 0 ? @drives : undef;
+  my @drives = ();
+  eval{require Win32API::File;};
+  return map {"$_:\\"} ('C' .. 'Z') if $@;
+  my @r = Win32API::File::getLogicalDrives();
+  return unless @r > 0;
+  for (@r) {
+    my $t = Win32API::File::GetDriveType($_);
+    push @drives, $_ if ($t == 3 or $t == 4);
+  }
+  return @drives > 0 ? @drives : undef;
 sub path_ext {
-    if ($ENV{PATHEXT}) {
-        push @path_ext, split ';', $ENV{PATHEXT};
-        for my $ext (@path_ext) {
-            $ext =~ s/^\.*(.+)$/$1/;
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        #Win9X: doesn't have PATHEXT
-        push @path_ext, qw(com exe bat);
-    }
+  if ($ENV{PATHEXT}) {
+    push @path_ext, split ';', $ENV{PATHEXT};
+    for my $ext (@path_ext) {
+      $ext =~ s/^\.*(.+)$/$1/;
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    #Win9X: doesn't have PATHEXT
+    push @path_ext, qw(com exe bat);
+  }
 sub which {
-    my $program = shift;
-    return unless $program;
-    my @extras = ();
-    my @drives = drives();
-    if (@drives > 0) {
-        for my $drive (@drives) {
-            for ('Apache2', 'Program Files/Apache2',
-                 'Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2') {
-                my $bin = catfile $drive, $_, 'bin';
-                push @extras, $bin if (-d $bin);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    my @a = map {catfile($_, $program) } 
-        (path(), @extras);
-    for my $base(@a) {
-        return $base if -x $base;
-        for my $ext (@path_ext) {
-            return "$base.$ext" if -x "$base.$ext";
-        }
+  my $program = shift;
+  return unless $program;
+  my @extras = ();
+  my @drives = drives();
+  if (@drives > 0) {
+    for my $drive (@drives) {
+      for ('Apache2', 'Program Files/Apache2',
+           'Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2') {
+        my $bin = catfile $drive, $_, 'bin';
+        push @extras, $bin if (-d $bin);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  my @a = map {catfile($_, $program) } (path(), @extras);
+  for my $base(@a) {
+    return $base if -x $base;
+    for my $ext (@path_ext) {
+      return "$base.$ext" if -x "$base.$ext";
-    return;
+  }
+  return;

Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/README
--- perl/apxs/trunk/README (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/README Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -5,8 +5,18 @@ To install, at a DOS prompt run
 which will attempt to find your top-level Apache2 directory.
 If this is unsuccessful, or the guess is wrong, run
    perl --with-apache2=\Path\to\Apache2
-The utilties will be placed under \Path\to\Apache2\bin\.
+The utilities will be placed under \Path\to\Apache2\bin\.
+If you are building for Apache 2.1-dev/2.2, you will discover
+that it's now httpd.exe, not Apache.exe. Specifying
+  perl --with-apache-prog=httpd.exe
+will provide the results you hoped for.
 Randy Kobes <>
-March 17, 2004
+Bill Rowe <wrowe> provided the fixes necessary
+for Apache 2.1-dev/2.2.
+July 22, 2005

Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/
--- perl/apxs/trunk/ (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/ Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ unless (defined $prefix and -d $prefix) 
 die "Can't find a suitable Apache2 installation!" 
-    unless (-d $prefix and check($prefix));
+    unless (-d $prefix and check_apr($prefix));
 $prefix = Win32::GetShortPathName($prefix);

Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/
--- perl/apxs/trunk/ (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/ Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ unless (defined $prefix and -d $prefix) 
 die "Can't find a suitable Apache2 installation!" 
-    unless (-d $prefix and check($prefix));
+    unless (-d $prefix and check_apu($prefix));
 $prefix = Win32::GetShortPathName($prefix);

Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/apxs_win32
--- perl/apxs/trunk/apxs_win32 (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/apxs_win32 Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ my $exec_prefix     = get_vars('exec_pre
 my $datadir         = get_vars('datadir');
 my $localstatedir   = get_vars('localstatedir');
 my $CFG_TARGET      = get_vars('progname');
+my $progname        = get_vars('progname');
 my $CFG_SYSCONFDIR  = get_vars('sysconfdir');
 my $CFG_SYSCONF     = get_vars('sysconf');
 my $CFG_CFLAGS      = join ' ', map { get_vars($_) }
@@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ if ($opt_g) {
     my $data = join('', <DATA>);
     $data =~ s!__END__.*!!s;
     $data =~ s|%NAME%|$name|sg;
+    $data =~ s|%PROGNAME%|$progname|sg;
     $data =~ s|%SYSCONF%|$CFG_SYSCONF|sg;
     $data =~ s|%PREFIX%|$prefix|sg;
     $data =~ s|%INSTALLBUILDDIR%|$installbuilddir|sg;
@@ -687,7 +689,7 @@ top_builddir=%PREFIX%
 #   the used tools
-APACHECTL=Apache.exe -k
 #   additional defines, includes and libraries

Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/
--- perl/apxs/trunk/ (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/ Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@ use Config;
 use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
 use File::Spec::Functions;
 require '';
-my ($apache, $help);
+my ($apache, $help, $progname);
 GetOptions( 'with-apache2=s' => \$apache,
+           'with-apache-prog=s' => \$progname,
            'help' => \$help,
            ) or usage($0);
 usage($0) if $help;
@@ -18,13 +19,14 @@ unless (defined $apache and -d $apache) 
 die "Can't find a suitable Apache2 installation!" 
-    unless (-d $apache and check($apache));
+    unless (-d $apache and check_httpd($apache, $progname));
 $apache = Win32::GetShortPathName($apache);
 my $perl = which('perl');
 my %subs_cfg = (
                 '%APACHE2%' => $apache,
+                '%PROGNAME%' => $progname,
                 '%AWK%' => which('awk') || which('gawk') || '',
                 '%CC%' => $Config{cc},
                 '%CPP%' => $Config{cpp},
@@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ close $out;
 system ('pl2bat', $apxs_out) == 0 
     or die "system pl2bat $apxs_out failed: $?";
-print qq{\napxs.bat has been created under $apache/bin.\n\n};
+print qq{\napxs.bat has been created under $apache\\bin.\n\n};
 exp_exec_prefix = %APACHE2%
@@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ htdbm_LTFLAGS =
 checkgid_LTFLAGS =
-progname = Apache.exe
+progname = %PROGNAME%
 MPM_LIB = server/mpm/winnt/
 OS = win32
 OS_DIR = win32

Modified: perl/apxs/trunk/
--- perl/apxs/trunk/ (original)
+++ perl/apxs/trunk/ Tue Nov 19 11:31:54 2013
@@ -1,32 +1,84 @@
-sub usage {
-    my $script = shift;
-    print <<"END";
- Usage: perl $script [--with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2]
-        perl $script --help
-  --with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2 : specify the top-level Apache2 directory
-  --help                            : print this help message
-With no options specified, an attempt will be made to find a suitable 
-Apache2 directory.
-    exit;
-sub check {
-    my $apache = shift;
-    die qq{No libhttpd library found under $apache/lib}
-        unless -e qq{$apache/lib/libhttpd.lib};
-    die qq{No httpd header found under $apache/include}
-        unless -e qq{$apache/include/httpd.h};
-    my $vers = qx{"$apache/bin/Apache.exe" -v};
-    die qq{"$apache" does not appear to be version 2.0}
-        unless $vers =~ m!Apache/2.0!;
-    return 1;
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+sub usage {
+    my $script = shift;
+    print <<"END";
+ Usage: perl $script [--with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2]
+        perl $script [--with-apache-prog=httpd.exe]
+        perl $script --help
+  --with-apache2=C:\Path\to\Apache2 : specify the top-level Apache2 directory
+  --with-apache-prog=Apache.exe     : specify the Apache2 program name
+  --help                            : print this help message
+With no options specified, an attempt will be made to find a suitable 
+Apache2 directory with a program name of "Apache.exe".
+    exit;
+sub check_httpd {
+  my ($apache, $progname) = @_;
+  die qq{No libhttpd library found under $apache/lib}
+    unless -e qq{$apache/lib/libhttpd.lib};
+  die qq{No httpd header found under $apache/include}
+    unless -e qq{$apache/include/httpd.h};
+  my $vers = qx{"$apache/bin/$progname" -v};
+  die qq{"$apache" does not appear to be version 2}
+    unless $vers =~ m!Apache/2!;
+  return 1;
+sub check_apr {
+  (my $prefix) = @_;
+  my ($dir);
+  my $lib = catdir $prefix, 'lib';
+  opendir($dir, $lib) or die qq{Cannot opendir $lib: $!};
+  my @libs = grep /^libapr\b\S+lib$/, readdir $dir;
+  closedir $dir;
+  die qq{Unable to find apr lib beneath $lib} unless (scalar @libs > 0);
+  die qq{No apr.h header found under $prefix/include}
+    unless -e qq{$prefix/include/apr.h};
+  my $bin = catdir $prefix, 'bin';
+  opendir($dir, $bin) or die qq{Cannot opendir $bin: $!};
+  my @bins = grep /^libapr\b\S+dll$/, readdir $dir;
+  closedir $dir;
+  die qq{Unable to find apr dll beneath $bin} unless (scalar @bins > 0);
+  return 1;
+sub check_apu {
+  (my $prefix) = @_;
+  my ($dir);
+  my $lib = catdir $prefix, 'lib';
+  opendir($dir, $lib) or die qq{Cannot opendir $lib: $!};
+  my @libs = grep /^libaprutil\b\S+lib$/, readdir $dir;
+  closedir $dir;
+  die qq{Unable to find aprutil lib beneath $lib} unless (scalar @libs > 0);
+  die qq{No apu.h header found under $prefix/include}
+    unless -e qq{$prefix/include/apu.h};
+  my $bin = catdir $prefix, 'bin';
+  opendir($dir, $bin) or die qq{Cannot opendir $bin: $!};
+  my @bins = grep /^libaprutil\b\S+dll$/, readdir $dir;
+  closedir $dir;
+  die qq{Unable to find aprutil dll beneath $bin} unless (scalar @bins > 0);
+  return 1;

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