I've installed  Apache + mod_ssl/OpenSSL + PHP3/MySQL by following
INSTALL.SSL file. It works well.

I've tried to install to do the same thing with the new release of php : PHP4
I've made the following modifications in the file INSTALL.SSL
    #   configure PHP4 and apply it to the Apache source tree
    $ cd ../php-4.0.1pl2
    $ CFLAGS='-O2 -I/path/to/openssl/include' \
      ./configure \
          --prefix=/path/to/php \
          --with-apache=../apache_1.3.12 \
          --with-mysql=/path/to/mysql \
          --enable-memory-limit=yes \
    $ gmake
    $ gmake install
    $ cd ..
    #   build/install Apache with mod_ssl and PHP4
    $ cd apache_1.3.12
    $ SSL_BASE=/path/to/openssl \
      ./configure \
          --prefix=/path/to/apache \
          --enable-module=ssl \
          --activate-module=src/modules/php4/libmodphp4.a \
    $ make

But it doesn't work. I get the following message with the make in apache :

===> src/modules/php4
        gcc -c -I../../../../mm-1.1.3 -I../../os/unix -I../../include   -DHPUX10 -DMOD_SSL=2061
04 -DUSE_HSREGEX -DEAPI -DEAPI_MM -DUSE_EXPAT -I../../lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED `../../apac
i`  mod_php4.c
mod_php4.c:28: zend.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:29: php.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:30: php_variables.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:31: SAPI.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:48: php_ini.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:49: php_globals.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:50: SAPI.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:51: php_main.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:53: zend_compile.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:54: zend_execute.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:55: zend_highlight.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:56: zend_indent.h: No such file or directory
mod_php4.c:58: ext/standard/php_standard.h: No such file or directory
*** Error exit code 1

Any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance.

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