I am trying to run apache 2.0.35 with ssl on a Solaris box.
I can compile and install without any problems.
But when I try and run it fails with an error message about 
(theoretically impossible) failed re-initialisation of SSL (see log 
extract below)

(i also tried configuring mod_ssl as a shared module, but then I had 
problems with X509_INFO_free not being found)

Solaris 8 on Sparcstation 20, gcc 2.95.2, openssl 0.9.6c

I used the following configure options:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-modules="ssl"

and started the server:
/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl

extract from /usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_engine_log

[09/Apr/2002 15:23:55 14475] [info]  Init: Initializing OpenSSL library
[09/Apr/2002 15:23:55 14475] [info]  Init: Seeding PRNG with 1024 bytes 
of entropy
[09/Apr/2002 15:23:55 14475] [info]  Init: (jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443) 
Loading certificate & private key of SSL-aware server
[09/Apr/2002 15:23:55 14475] [info]  Init: Requesting pass phrase via 
builtin terminal dialog
[09/Apr/2002 15:23:59 14475] [info]  Init: Wiped out the queried pass 
phrases from memory
[09/Apr/2002 15:23:59 14475] [info]  Init: Generating temporary RSA 
private keys (512/1024 bits)
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: Generating temporary DH 
parameters (512/1024 bits)
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: Initializing (virtual) 
servers for SSL
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: (jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443) 
Configuring server for SSL protocol
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [warn]  Init: (jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443) 
RSA server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == 
TRUE !?)
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Server: Apache/2.0.35, Interface: 
mod_ssl/2.0.35, Library: OpenSSL/0.9.6c
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: Initializing OpenSSL library
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: Seeding PRNG with 1024 bytes 
of entropy
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: (jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443) 
Loading certificate & private key of SSL-aware server
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443 reusing 
existing RSA private key on restart
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:06 14475] [info]  Init: Generating temporary RSA 
private keys (512/1024 bits)
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:41 14475] [info]  Init: Generating temporary DH 
parameters (512/1024 bits)
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:41 14475] [info]  Init: Initializing (virtual) 
servers for SSL
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:41 14475] [info]  Init: (jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443) 
Configuring server for SSL protocol
[09/Apr/2002 15:24:41 14475] [error] Init: (jupiter.library.uvic.ca:443) 
Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (theoretically shouldn't 

Martin Hofmann                           Unix Systems Administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Library Systems Services
Ph: 472-5069                               McPherson Library

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
User Support Mailing List                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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