
i had Apache 1.3.19 with Jserv 1.1.2 installed successfully.

In order to make Apache handling the HTTPS protocol, i followed the
installation guide to download
Apache 1.3.19, mod_ssl 2.8.2-1.3.19, OpenSSL 0.9.6a, MM 1.1.3, Perl
and extracted the packages.

1. i Configured and build the OpenSSL library with no error.
2. i build Apache with mod_ssl and OpenSSL by following options "The
All-In-One mod_ssl+APACI way" with no error.

The following is the error i saw in error_log file when I try to start
apache with/without SSL :

"mod_ssl: Init: Failed to generate temporary 512 bit RSA private key
(OpenSSL library error follows).
OpenSSL: error:24062064:random number generator:SSLEAY_RAND_BYTES:PRNBG
OpenSSL:error:04069003:rsa routines:RSA_generate-key:BN_lib."

Did i miss anything ? Please help !

Mengpei Hu

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