Apache setup :

Windows 2000 Server / Apache 2.0.47 / mos_ssl 2.0.48 / OpenSSL 0.9.7c
I have one site responding to HTTP (80) and two virtual hosts responding to HTTPS (443) all using separate IP addresses.

I have a question about the SSLSessionCache directive....
The directive was setup to the default "dbm:logs/ssl_scache" but started to cause problems...
The HTTP site kept running but both the HTTPS sites would hang....   They would initiate the SSL handshaking but would hang at that point.

I was able to get the HTTPS sites to start responding again by deleting ssl_scache.pag and ssl_scache.dir

Is this a known problem??

I have since changed the SSLSessionCache directive to none because I cannot have it cause all HTTPS sites to hang...
I have read that there is a performance hit for not using SSLSessionCache....  
Does anyone know how much of a performance hit there is?


Patrick Sweitzer
Server Services

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